Mealybug - Tomato

Tomato Tomato


Tomato plants and it's diseases

Can you suggest me the insecticide for the better growth and development of its plants


it's mealy bug. spray Chloropyriphos +cypermethrin.


Hi Venu I agree with Pravin your tomatos are affected with Schmierläuse . Click on the blue link for more information for diagnosis and control measures in the plantix libary.


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I agree with pravin!

B is Mealybug infestation. Diagnosis:The cotton like white puffy accumulation on plant may be the eggs of mealybug i.e. a soft bodied very small bug (~3to4mm) and also the leaves shrank which proves it . Reason : These bugs are mostly attracted to over fertilized and over-watered plants. Control : 1) You can use biological insecticide such as BotaniGard ES [its also available on Amazon]. 2) If can also use insect killing soap solution or the natural neem oil, which is much better and safer way to protect your plants. Prevention : Spray water on your plant leaves and branches after every 3-4 days to further prevent this infection, but note👉 you don't have to over water your plant as it can induce its growth again. Hope it proves to be helpful🙂..


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