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Potassium Deficiency

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Potassium Deficiency - Strawberry

Strawberry Strawberry


Hello Plantix community, I have another question. What is this strawberry suffering from? Is it too much water?

I am walking through the community gardens of Paris trying to figure out what the different ornamental plants and edibles are suffering from out of curiosity. Thanks and best wishes, Cornelius Heimstädt


Tufail Abbas is this also too much water? These strawberries are standing in a raised bed with a plastic inlay outside. Thanks in advance and best wishes from Paris, Cornelius Heimstädt


Hi Cornelius Heimstädt keep in mind one thing dear that all the indoor plants which are in home they always effected by water overdose because in home everybody watering to plants the leaves tips burning has two main reason 1 excess water and high temperature 2 also in some case Potassium Deficiency but if suddenly the tips burning it due to water overdose or high temprature or high humidity if the tips start yellowing and then dry then it must due to Potassium Deficiency


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