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Powdery Mildew of Strawberry

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Powdery Mildew of Strawberry - Strawberry

Strawberry Strawberry


Its a fungus problem in plastic tunnel. What would be the control ?

White powdery generally on the surface of fruits.


Ridomil 2grams per liter


Hello Krishna Upadhya, Could be that your strawberry in bloom is in a position to face Powdery Mildew of Strawberry disease development. If so, you can compare that with the details as described in plantix library. There are few pictures we have in plantix library for comparison and details on mode of infestation. For control measures, review both Chemical or Biological measures. Most importantly please ck in the Preventive measures. Good luck😀


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Actually it doesn't look like powdery mildew. No symptoms on leaves only in fruits. Could not figure out!!


Krishna Upadhya So, what could be the white stuff in your mind? Any film of sprays drift? Have you conducted any recent fungicidal application of WP formulation? Or are in dought of fruit rotting in progress?


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