What is the name of this insect
Any one can suggest the control measures
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Learn more about PlantixAny one can suggest the control measures
Pipes are coming from main stem .. leafs are not coming it is the end of the growth of the plant what is the solution for it... From the ground level onwards it is coming
Redish flowers at lower
in my paddy filed I can see the empty seeds & it getting dry in between healthy plants. May the what is reason for it? What are the preventive measures for it. I hv 10 acres of land. The difference between paddy translation first 5 acres & next 5 acres is 20 - 25days. This issue will affect remaining field? If yes what are preventive measures to protect remaining 5 acres
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Mosquito asiático da vesícula do arroz Srikanth ☝️☝️
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3 years ago
Great insight Artur 🙏👌👍
3 years ago
ஆசியா நெற்பயிரின் ஆனைக் கொம்பன் ஈ Srikanth
3 years ago
How it control
3 years ago
Tell me plz