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Red Rot

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Red Rot - Rice

Rice Rice


Half crop are dry stand to stand in field

Many sugarcane are dry stand in the field only one one sugarcane and toatly in the field any placement


Rajkumar Vishvakarma Looks like that it might be associated with Red Rot disease. No alternatives except destroy the plant underneath of the soil or burn it.


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Veryyyyyy veryyyy thanks to you from gram galibpur mau Uttar Pradesh


Great insight Sali ji. Go ahead with Sali suggestions. Apart from above, I suggest - next time while choosing Sugarcane seeds/sets - use red rot feed canes, to avoid such loss.


Rajkumar Vishvakarma If you're a sugarcane grower under any sugar mill, pls contact with the field extension officer for RS or CS seeds. Or try to plant MHAT or hot water treated seeds that means sugarcane setts😁


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