Yellow Stem Borer - Rice

Rice Rice


Hi, in my paddy filed I can see the empty seeds & it getting dry in between healthy plants. May the what is reason for it? What are the preventive measures for it. I hv 10 acres of land. The difference between paddy translation first 5 acres & next 5 acres is 20 - 25days. This issue will affect remaining field? If yes what are preventive measures to protect remaining 5 acres

in my paddy filed I can see the empty seeds & it getting dry in between healthy plants. May the what is reason for it? What are the preventive measures for it. I hv 10 acres of land. The difference between paddy translation first 5 acres & next 5 acres is 20 - 25days. This issue will affect remaining field? If yes what are preventive measures to protect remaining 5 acres


Hi Harsha Check symptoms of Yellow Stem Borer Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.


Hello dear Harsha how are you dear above suggestion is correct dear the symptom is Yellow Stem Borer dear and spray chloropyriphos or chlorantraniliprole dear


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Yellow stem borer chlorantriniliprole 60ml per acre or cartap hydrochloride 2g per ltr water


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