Yellow Stem Borer - Rice

Rice Rice


Around 10% paddy damaged in the field

First Change in colour and finally become dry . Where the disease attrack not a single plant demaged .They ruined five to ten plant in one place


Sahil Rana Maybe it’s for Stem Rot of Rice. Please click the green link to see details information. Thanks.


Sahil Rana It looks like the first generation infestation of Asiatic Rice Borer or Yellow Stem Borer. This is the most important, interesting, devastating and dangerous disease or damage in rice field that is called "Dead Heart" disease, although it is not a disease but infestation is caused by Yellow Stem Borer in paddy field. This insect doesn't come out during day time rather are active during night or during twilight when sun starts setting down. So, the best mechanical practice among other is to minimize the moth population by catching them using aerial nets and kill them, that's the greatest achievement for eggs are not supposed to be laid on rice leaves. If you click on the blue hyperlink that takes you to the plantix library for more details on this insect and it's control measures with more options. Please unfold the inner leaves, at last you'll get a thread like larva engaged in feeding the terminal shoot inside and see few fuzz or fecal material as excreta.


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