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Nematodes - Rice

Rice Rice


It's in rice roots and rice plants getting yellow and height does not increase

This makes paddy leaves Yello


Mihir Looks like Nematodes Pls use Carbofuran 5 G During land preparation TSP, MoP, Gypsum, Zinc, Boron, Sulphur and Magnesium should be applied to the soil in full dose. After 15 days of transplantation apply urea fertilizer that helps tillering. Keep 2" water up to 54 days after transplantation. After 30 and 42 days spread urea again that enhance vegetative growth. From 55 to 75 days of age 4 "of water should be retained in the field . Otherwise, some ears may grow empty. Spread Carbofuran 5 G twice, 21 and 42 days after transplantation. This helps suppress stem borer and nematodes by systemic actions.


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