Which disease is this ? This is my 14 days old rice nursery
Nursery gets totaly destroyed
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Learn more about PlantixNursery gets totaly destroyed
Started early at the age of 42 days nearly , black and brown patch first time with circle area covering . Then it is spread in the whole area or plot .
Abnormal in height, crowns around roots
15 days old TKM 13 Varity paddy crop (after transplantation). The white patches are found in most of the plants. Please suggest the reason & control methods.
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4 years ago
Harjot Singh Seems like Alkalinity disorder. Any better insight?
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4 years ago
Cigarrinha marrom If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 🤠🌱 Harjot Singh
4 years ago
Sali there is patches in some beds and there is some places where this disease not hits