Disease in jyoti paddy variety.
Paddy Variety---Jyothi. Stage: Pannicle. Disease: Patches on the leaves. Precautionary sprays Done: Nursery--Bavistan And Chloro+Cypermethrin. Plant 40 days after tranplantation: carbendyzim+Macozeb. Pannicle stage: Tricyclozole. Question: Reason for patches on leaves, Does it effect the yield What I should spray, is it useful. THANKING YOU: FARMER.
4 years ago
Hi Sudharshan N G. As per your sent image, its showing symptoms of Brown Spot of Rice , Rice Bug and Tobacco Caterpillar . Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. You can also create a Crop Advisory for rice in Plantix. It provides you information on how to optimize your rice production.
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4 years ago
Bhumi Saram tagipovadam Valla vachae problem Adhi Bhumi saravani penchali anukuntae naku msg cheyandi Sudharshan N G
4 years ago
Sudharshan N G This is the Fungal and bacterial diseases Solution - Propiconazol 25% + Streptocyclin sulphate + Tetracycline hydrochloride ( Antibiotic ) 2. Validamycin 3% sl 3. Hexaconazol 5 % Sc
4 years ago
Thanku all for giving your genuine advice. Rakesh Parida please tell me the medicine dosage for 10ltr of water to be mixed.
4 years ago
Sudharshan N G Dose. Propiconazol 20 Ml / 10 ltr of water and antibiotic 1.5 - 2 grm / 10 ltr of water. Velidamycin 20 Ml / 10 ltr of water Hexaconazol 20 Ml / 10 ltr of water + Antibiotic.