What problem is this ? Is this due to zinc deficiency in rice plant ?
If its zinc deficiency then what form of zinc should be applied to plants ?
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Learn more about PlantixIf its zinc deficiency then what form of zinc should be applied to plants ?
This is 1064 type of Paddy crop upto now 100 days are completed , suggest some pesticides to control this
Is this a disease or deficiency how can we prevent it?
Tip of the leaves &leaf blade becoming straw colour.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Usama Habib g bilkul zinc ke kame ha
4 years ago
Hi Usama Habib as per your image the Dark brownish spots on upper leaves of plants. Leaf chlorotic midribs (central vein) near the base of leaf especially in new leaves indicate zinc defi in rice. for more comprehensive detail about this deficiency please click the below link Zinc Deficiency
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4 years ago
Usama Habib ZnSo4 can be used for zinc deficiency.