Yellow Stem Borer - Rice

Rice Rice


Why some of the rice grains becoming husk? They are not becoming grains

We can see some white coloured set of grains. They are not growing into grains and becoming husk. Initially in the previous crop they were like 1-2%. Now it's around 10%. Can anyone please let me know what it is, how it's formed and what are the measures to be taken. P. S: Thank you in Advance


Sangram Vuppala Hi, This is called white head disease in rice, 'so called' because it produces white ear with empty panicles or infertile grains. Actually an insect that is nocturnal in habits attacks at the terminal shoot in internal tissues. As a result, translocation of nutrients ceases , and the inner tissues start drying. All the details are available by clicking on ধানের হলুদ মাজরা পোকা at plantix library that opens in English at your end, pls review with control measures. 😊😁


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The best chemical is Chlorantraniliprole +Thiamethoxam 40 WG at vegetative stage by spraying or Carbofuran 5G or Diazinon 10 G to be applied in 2 splits at 30 days and 50 days age and keep 2 inches standing water.😅😆


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