Rice Yellow Mottle Virus - Rice

Rice Rice


What is the problem for this crop why it's not grown-up well please give me suggestion for good growth

After 2 months the crop was not grown well one was good one was very poor growth so what's the problem and what's solution for it


Rdy It might be due to Rice Grassy Stunt Virus please check this link for more details and preventive measures


Spray lamda +cartap hydrochloride


Rdy नमस्कार चावल के पीले धब्बों वाला विषाणु इसके समाधान के लिए आप ऊपर दिए गए हरे रंग के लिंक पर क्लिक करें और Plantix पुस्तकालय के माध्यम से अपनी समस्या का समाधान प्राप्त करें।


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