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Fertilizer Burn

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Fertilizer Burn - Rice

Rice Rice


Is this is a side effect due to pesticide....

I was having panicle blast in my rice field....I sprayed kitazin 48%EC on that field....after spraying my crop leafs started to turn like this....someone tell me a solution


Dear Ezhil Kumar J Probably , it may be due to pesticide damage. This happens usually when the pesticides are mixed with water in the sprayer tank. When pesticide is put first , the concentrated pesticide enters the pipe of the pump and does not get diluted with water. First few plants get the pesticide burn. To avoid the pesticides burn, always mix the pesticides outside the sprayer equipment. Otherwise pesticide burn can happen if the pesticides are sprayed in very high concentration. Any way , your plants are not damaged beyond repair. The present damage does not affect the yield. Good luck.


Queima por Fertilizantes ou Pesticidas


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