Rice Case Worm - Rice

Rice Rice


What problem What kind of procedure to develop the crop what fertilizer to use

What fertilizer to use


Dear Sukendran It is rice case worms. The caterpillars cut the apical portion of the leaves and make tubular cases. The caterpillars also scrap the undersurface of the leaf , thus creating white patches on the leaves. Spray Phosalone. 2 ml OR Diazinon. 1 ml OR Penthoate. 1 ml in one litre of water. About 200 litres of spray solution may be required per acre. Please take care to use proper concentration of pesticides and also mix pesticides with water outside the sprayer equipment. Alternatively you can also use any one of the following granular insecticides. Carbofuron 3G 8kg per acre OR Phorate 10 G 5 kgs per acre OR Cartap 4G 8 kgs per acre. The granular insecticides may be mixed with sand and spread in the field for proper distribution. Good luck.


Lagarta-boiadeira In this green link you can compare the symptoms and see some preventive and control measures.


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Hello sir my field. Was. Redsoil iam. Paddycraft in Sowing and then two months after the crap waspaddy millk sakking. What can idol? Sukendran


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