Viral Disease or some sort of problems.
Sir /Madam, We are Cultivating Paddy and Right now facing too much of problems in controlling Pests,Insects,Microbes,Rodents and etc. So, Immediately help me and if it is cured our nurshuring plants give more and more yield. Moreover if so happens means, our village people's are happy. I believe that nearly 158 Acres of Our Village wet as to be the same, Here no one is ready to make our land as waste or nowet land. Thanking you By P. Murugaraj Pamanabhan M. Tech
4 years ago
Hi Raj. 6th and 9th pictures, showing Potassium Deficiency and 7th picture showing Rice Case Worm . Other images are not clear. Lets click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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