Narrow Brown Leaf Spot of Rice - Rice

Rice Rice


Black colour some rice and not filling .

Black colour some rice and blank.


Hi Amar Birua It might be Bacterial Panicle Blight in rice.Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.


Hi Amar Birua. Apart from above, also check symptoms for Narrow Brown Leaf Spot of Rice by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Dear Amar Birua This bacterial panicle blight. Spray 0.5 gms Streptocycline AND 3 gms copper oxychloride in one litre of water. About 200 litres of spray solution may be required per acre. I feel the control measures should have been taken in the early stages of earhead formation for better results. Control measures at this stage may yield limited results.


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