what is defects?? and how to cure
changes in leaves and steam
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What types of hoppers these are? These insects are appearing mostly at upper side of plants. What should I do to control and prevent them?
Tell the name of the chemical
Hello all, Could anyone of you help me out in identifying this disease in 20 days old transplanted paddy feild. Such phenomenon is seen across everyone field including mine too. Present weather conditions are drizzling for 03 to 04 days and quite hot days. Thanks in advance. Rajesh
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Matha Madhav Go for Tilt
4 years ago
not understand bro
4 years ago
Matha Madhav Bacterial Blight of Rice Iron Toxicity in Rice any of these
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