Rice Case Worm - Rice

Rice Rice


Paddy leafs have some white colour spots and leaf edges has cutting. so pls gives us valuable suggestions to reduce that. i want use organic fertilizer so pls suggest us . chemical fertilizer i want to avoid it.

organic fertilizer i want to use


Hi Jayakumar Polamarasetty ,spray neemoil(1500ppm)1liter/acre ...Rice Case Worm


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In paddy fields infested with leaf folder and case worm, apply mixture of 1-litre of kerosene and 25kg of sand per acre and then move a string over the paddy crop by stretching at both the ends of the field. By this method the larva of insects falls to the water and gets killed..


dear Jayakumar Polamarasetty you can go for neem oil spray as neetha madam said with that you can add silicon based spreadding agent(super spreader) For soil application gor for N-RICH(neem cake)


Rice case worm..... first do rope pulling ( Rope should dip in kerosene )and drain the water ..... If severe spray lambda cyhalothrin 1ml/l or rocket 2ml/l


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