Why rice spikelet empty? Rice transplant on 7.7.19 = age aprox 80 days Variety 1509.
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Root cutting and leaf browning ,leaf folder
Leaves are getting discolored and leaves are getting Brown colour in the edges
I see the the entire field is turning into the golden dried color. Please suggest the solution for this.
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4 years ago
Hi Ketan Nain. I am not sure, let's compare symptoms with Asiatic Rice Borer by clicking on green link given here for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Also use fertilizer calculater, crop Advisory and see all tasks sections available here on home page of Plantix to increase your crop productivity.
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4 years ago
Dear Ketan Nain You say your rice crop is about 80 days old and spikelets are empty. At about 80 to 85 days the earheads just emerge out. At this stage the grains are soft and milky. It takes time for the grains to fill and become hard. Usually , the earheads are affected due three reasons. 1 . Stem borers : In this case the entire stem and the earhead become dry. The earhead is green , hence it is not due to stem borer 2. Bacterial panicle blight: In this case the grains turn dark , which is not case here. 3. Earhead bugs : The bugs suck the sap from the young milky grains , and grains become chaffy , and white . This is not the case. After exhausting all the options , I conclude that the earhead and the grains are healthy. You may have to wait for little more time for the grains to fill up and become hard. Good luck
4 years ago
40% Spikelets are totally empty there is no soft grain or milk in it
4 years ago
Is there any temperature effect on this?
4 years ago
Usually temperature will not affect grain filling . You say 40% of spikelets are empty . I do not know any known solutions to this. We may have to simply wait.
4 years ago
Hmmm i will tell u all abt crop yield n all
4 years ago
Dear Ketan Nain Please tell us
4 years ago
4 years ago
Spray the flumendamide 20% , 70gram /acer
4 years ago
The best solution of this problem is amaze-xl
4 years ago
Ketan Nain Shankara Goud M temperature does affect if its above 43 Celsius at flowering, varities with low heat resistance do succumb to it.
4 years ago
Dear Waqar Bhutto Yes, temperature above 43℃ may affect pollination, but paddy being self pollinated may not affect much.