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Upper leaves are turning yellow.
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4 years ago
ਭੂਰੀ ਪਿੱਠ ਵਾਲਾ ਟਿਡਾ ਮੁੱਢਾਂ ਦੇ ਕੋਲ।
4 years ago
Hi Karan Bir. Check for Sheath Rot of Rice by clicking on green link for knowing symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library as well.
4 years ago
Karan Bir Suresh Gollar Pls note that patches of this type of burning appearance is in predominant cases are to be believed or suspected as something of being associated with Brown Planthopper damage at the base of the plant or on leaf sheath. So, we need to ck if there's any grub sucking on the leaf sheath, so open the leaf sheath and ck that😊 Happy checking at the base or on the leaf sheath 😁
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4 years ago
Dear Sali Karan Bir Surinder Pal Singh Sandhu In the first picture uploaded by Karan Bir , it is seen that only a few plants are totally damaged , and the plants immediately around the affected portion are quite healthy . I do not think any disease affect the plants in such isolation. Even brown plant hoppers can not inflict damage so selectively. Therefore I hold that it is something other than disease. In the picture uploaded by Mr Sali , I would like to submit that from the distance the effect of brown plant hoppers damage and effect of bacterial blight looks almost similar. Perhaps it can be distinguished by a closer view.
4 years ago
it looks like the severe infection of Blast of Rice
4 years ago
this disease can effect all the green parts including pedicel, collar,panicle,peduncle and even seed. favoured by high temperature and more moisture.
4 years ago
Dear Basit Khan It can be blast, looks to be so. But how can it affect the plant in such isolation
4 years ago
it depends on the available soil mosture because spread mostly in high moisture areas
4 years ago
Basit Khan Blast 😁😁? That has different forms, pls ck here Blast of Rice. Your upladed picture is also a sign of Brown Planthopper damage.
4 years ago
Dear Basit Khan In paddy moisture is assumed to be uniform. In the picture you have uploaded, the central part is most affected , and the plants around it show the signs of infection. But the picture uploaded by Karan Bir defies this phenomena
4 years ago
it could occur as a hot spot area for the disease containing more spores in debris
4 years ago
4 years ago
Dear Harjinder Bhullar Your crop is very good. Congratulations
4 years ago
I agree with Shankara Goud M 😁