Rice Thrips Pupal stage Mentioned in the photograph.
Don't get confused with Rice Thrips attack with Rice Hispa. Hispa Adult Insect is simply bigger in size (6-7mm) than that of Thrips(2-3mm). Hispa lives upto 3 months under favourable conditions and will possess rough horn's on the dorsal surface of the body. Thrips lives upto 25-30 days under fav condtns & posses soft dark black to blue colour body with no visible horn's. Note: Changes with species to species
4 years ago
Hi Durga Prasad . Yes you are right. As image is not so clear - you both symptoms like Rice Hispa and Thrips carefully by clicking on green links given here and take control measures at your end.
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4 years ago
Suresh Gollar Thanks buddy I already know this and the image is Thrips attack and not Hispa. Yes both the disease symptoms looks same but the filed is thoroughly examined for the insects and there are only thrips in the filed