Potassium Deficiency - Rice

Rice Rice


What type of disease is it?

Colour of leaves starts changes to brown and then die.


Dear Naveen Sihag It may be bacterial leaf blight. Spray 0.5 gms Streptocycline and 3 gms copper oxy chloride in one litre of water. About 200 litres of solution may be required per acre. Repeat the spray after 15 days. About 100 gms of Streptocycline and 600 gms of copper oxy chloride may be required per acre. Good luck


I do not have good quality of water. There is B quality of water in my field. Is this type of disease can occur due quality water deficiency?


Dear Naveen Sihag Get the water tested in nearby soil testing laboratory of agriculture department for its suitability for irrigation. Meanwhile , what is the pH of the water. Paddy can have burning symptoms if the water quality is not good.


Hi Naveen Sihag there main reason i see the leaf tips is dry and the soil is also look like Alkalinity type have a look for Potassium Deficiency also do the application of urea+zinc 25 to 30 kg urea+6 kg zinc and mix in water and flood it its also due to high temprature effected hope it will solve your problem thanks


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