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Nematodes - Rice

Rice Rice


Can you tell which disease is affecting basmati rice?

Growth of roots remain poor, symptoms are of sulphur toxicity along with sheath blight. Water was continued to stagnate due to heavy rain


Dear Jashanpreet Singh It is fungal root rot. Spray 1 ml propiconazole OR 2 ml Hexaconazole in one litre of water. About 200 litres of solution may be required per acre. About 200 ml of propiconazole OR 400 ml of Hexaconazole may be required per acre. Repeat the spray after 15 days. Good luck.


Hi Jashanpreet Singh. Lets check for Stem Rot of Rice or Nematodes by clicking on green links given here for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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It is nematode disease use 7kg carbofuran 3% crop will be OK within a week.


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