What can i do for this best result and i dont know which type of insect is their so please help me
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Mosquitoes attack to the field please suggest fertilizers to the speedy recovery
Leafs are changed yellow colour plz suggest for this problem
Small insects attack,plants are wilting , 3 weeks to harvest
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Dear Param Hanjra The paddy crop is serious affected by bacterial blight disease. Spray 0.5 gms Streptocycline and 3 gms copper oxy chloride in a litre of water. About 200 litres of solution may be required per acre. Repeat the spray twice with a span of 15 days. About 100 gms of Streptocycline and 600 gms of copper oxy chloride dissolved in 200 litres of water may be required per acre Good luck.
5 years ago
Looks severe water shortage. Let me know the status of irrigation
5 years ago
Hi Param Hanjra the symptom is look like Water Deficiency and Alkalinity soil in this case you have to use gypsum because gypsum is must
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