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Leaf Variegation

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Leaf Variegation - Rice

Rice Rice


Is it a deficiency symptom or toxicity symptom or a disease Please tell me about this disorder or rice plant

Is it a deficiency symptom or toxicity symptom or a disease Please tell me about this disorder or rice plant


Dear Goldy Maan It does not look like any deficiency syndrome. It is certainly not a toxicity symptom or a disease . If it is taken as deficiency syndrome, it resembles that of potassium deficiency syndrome. Potassium deficiency occurs in highly alkaline or acidic soils . If the soil is highly acidic or alkaline , many more minerals are also not available. In that case , deficiency symptoms of those minerals also must appear along with deficiency syndrome of potassium. Hence I take it that it is not deficiency syndrome. It could be leaf variegation , as appears in cotton. It is only my guess. Can someone please enlighten me on this.


Leaf Variegation


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Thank you, mr Artur


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