Nitrogen Deficiency - Rice

Rice Rice


It is nursary of rice leaves are yellow what is cause and cure

It is a nursary of rice but leaves have become yellow what is cause and


Salyal Singh search for if there is any hopper population in the circular patch.if not it is nitrogen deficiency


Hi Salyal Singh . Your sent image is not closer and clear. I think, It might be due to 2 regions 1. It might be due to Nitrogen Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures 2. It might be due to water stagnation effect in nursery from long time. Let's check the region from your end for rectification.


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Dear Salyal Singh , The picture you have uploaded is not clear . Hence the problem cannot be pinpointed. However the probable reasons could be water stress and severe infection of bacterial blight of rice. Since it is very hot and temperatures are high, the seedbed requires adequate water . Give copious irrigation to the seedbed. Also it seems the seedlings are severely affected by bacterial blight. Follow the steps to ensure control of the disease


Salyal Singh sir u should apply chelated zinc and fullvic acid in liquid form . I am sure after first application u feel awsum


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