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Alkalinity - Rice

Rice Rice


Is this a zinc deficiency field??? The problem is becoming havoc at ishowrpur municipality ward no 2. From my point of view its zinc deficiency.

According to farmers field was showing red leaves symptoms initially and now the whole field, nearly 10 bigha, is showing such symptoms.


Chetan Seems like Bacterial Blight of Rice disease. I think in Nepal, there's no incidence of Alkalinity issues, right?


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Yes almost 83 % of total soil of Nepal is acidic. However, the problem of zinc deficiency seems to be increasing day by day. While observing the field we did ooze test and didn't show bacterial symptoms. So it was confusing whether it was brown plant hopper Or zinc deficiency. Farmers also shared that when field was irrigated the symptoms spread rapidly which indicate the symptoms of brown plant hopper i think.


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