CR1009 paddy. After all panicles came out, all panicles in one bunch dies with insufficient grain filling. It's about one bunch per square meter.
. After all panicles came out, all panicles in one bunch dies with insufficient grain filling. It's about one bunch per square meter.what is the remedy? How it can be prevented?
5 years ago
Veeraiyan Gnanasekaran sir, it's due to Scirpophaga incertulas Rice Stem Borar. To confirm this please try to pull out the dead bunch of panicle if it easily can be pulled out then it's definitely stem borer. Control -Before transplanting, cut the top most leaf to reduce carry-over of eggs from the seedbed to the field 2)Raise level of irrigation water periodically to submerge the eggs deposited on the lower parts of the plant 3)At seedbed and transplanting, handpick and destroy egg masses 4)Apply nitrogen fertilizer in split following the recommended rate and time of application 5)Use resistant variety
5 years ago
Hi Veeraiyan Gnanasekaran . It looks like Phoma Sorghina in Rice . Click on green link for control measures. Thanks for visiting.
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5 years ago
Sir, on pulling the panicle , I found it is not stem borer. Entire bunch of tillers ( about 30) dried and the entitre root is black. I suspect nemetodes.
5 years ago
Suresh Gollar agreed