what disease? What chemicals should apply??
white and yellowish grains, crop infects with white insects..
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about Plantixwhite and yellowish grains, crop infects with white insects..
Plant showed Domiping off symptoms at veriouse stage of crop
Grains are turning into yellow buds..
About this desease how to control
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Asiatic Rice Borer click on blue link to get more information and management. Also called as white head disease. Spray fipronil or monocrotophos or flubendiamide or chlorantroanilprole Thanks
5 years ago
Hello Venkatesh S. Welcome to Plantix community. Your "Rice Crop" is severely effected by Asiatic Rice Borer which leads to ""White Head" For more details and control measures, contact Plantrix library by clicking on blue hyper link given above. Thank you, visit again.
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5 years ago
dhan sich more ja6a
5 years ago
Thank you..
5 years ago
Thank you..
5 years ago
Welcome Venkatesh. Don't forget to fallow me. Thank you, visit again.
5 years ago
కార్ట్ ప్ హైడ్రోక్లోరైడ్ 400 గ్రామ 200 లీటరు నీటిలోకలిపిపిచికారీచెయ్యాలి
5 years ago
No water
5 years ago
Yellow Stem Borer This is the most important, interesting, devastating and dangerous disease or damage in rice field that is called "Dead Heart" disease, although it is not a disease but infestation is caused by Yellow Stem Borer in paddy field. This insect doesn't come out during day time rather are active during night or during twilight when sun starts setting down. So, the best mechanical practice among other is to minimize the moth population by catching them using aerial nets and kill them, that's the greatest achievement for eggs are not supposed to be laid on rice leaves. If you click on the blue hyperlink that takes you to the plantix library for more details on this insect and it's control measures with more options. Please unfold the inner leaves, at last you'll get a thread like larva engaged in feeding the terminal shoot inside and see few fuzz or fecal material as excreta as in my pictures. Thank you for your interest in plantix community!
5 years ago
Thanks for elaborated discussion Sali ji.
5 years ago
Thank you Suresh Gollar for the great efforts!
5 years ago
Thank you Sali ji
5 years ago
All agriculture expert please give me Solution to the farmers (farmers not high education to understand agriculture subject) Easy understanding Name of pest Disease and deficiency Chemical name Dose per liter Time of spry It is my request please Thank u all Yours C.Sanjeevi Reddy
5 years ago
Venkatesh S, thanks for your up voting. Don't forget to fallow me. Thank you, visit again.