Sir this so much of disease may occurred many types of chemicals to spray plsee help. Me
Lot of chemicals to spray not results
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Learn more about PlantixLot of chemicals to spray not results
Change of leaf top edge and grain die in early stage
How can solve this problem .. And what are fertilizer have to be use it
Last year too, the same worm caused lot of damage. The plant slowly dies after its infested with it. Shopkeeper has recommended Caldan 4g(Cartap Hydrochloride 4%). Is it correct solution. Please suggest
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Solution me
5 years ago
Hello, this is Brown Planthopper. Click the link for treatments
5 years ago
Hello Mahesh Pandu. Welcome you to Plantix community. Your "Rice Crop" is effected by Brown Planthopper For more details and control measures, contact Plantrix library by clicking on blue hyper link given above. Thank you, visit again.
5 years ago
welcome to plantix Community it is Brown Planthopper spray chlorophyripas and please click the link for more information about your problem and management thank you for choosing plantix Community.
5 years ago
Indofil company (token) 100gm per ac
5 years ago
Thank you Tamizanda naa, You're quite right. Let you know few details on Token. Token is a new systemic insecticide with Quick Knock Down action giving longer duration control of Rice Brown Plant Hopper (BPH). Active ingredient name: Dinotefuran 20% SG Hope that it helps others.
5 years ago
Some details of Token. Token acts on nervous system through contact & ingestion resulting in the cessation of feeding within few hours and death shortly after due to paralysis. Token acts as an agonist of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Special Features TOKEN gives a Quick Knock Down effect, highly effective against resistant Brown Plant Hopper, highly systemic and Translaminar in action . TOKEN protection is not lost if it rain 3 hours after application, protects crops from insects for a longer duration. Time Of Application First application at the time of Economic Threshold level (ETL) 10 – 15 Nymphs / Adults per paddy Hill in Brown Plant Hopper prone area It is compatible with commonly used pesticides currently used in India. But It is advisable to conduct a physical compatibility test before they are used in combination with other molecules. Phytotoxicity No Phytotoxicity observed if used as recommended doses. Available Packs TOKEN is available in 50gm, 100gm, 250gm, 500gm and 1 Kgm Packaging. I detailed because Brown Planthopper is a devastating pest , farmers can find it easily in India. Thank you!
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5 years ago
Thanks for elaborated discussion and insights Sali ji.
5 years ago
Thank you Suresh Gollar for the great efforts!
5 years ago
Tq so much
5 years ago
Sali garu thank you for providing in detail.
5 years ago
Thank you Sali Ji
5 years ago
Thank Suresh Gollar and yaswanth reddy Please go ahead to ck for differences between Deadheart and Whitehead, because causal agent is same, but the infestation is at varying stages only, viz. vegetative vs reproductive respectively. Best Regards!!
5 years ago
Ok done Sali ji
5 years ago
It is bph bro.... Spray osheen...... It will control with in 24 hrs