Today I harvested my Paddy 1509 which was infested with BPH. I saw these white powdery like on lower part of stem and ground too....Is it kind of fungus
Powder like at base of Paddy infested with BPH
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The rice plant has some bactera what pesticides I have to use
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panicles twisted, stunted, grains chaffy, flag leaf also twisted , what is the reason?
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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5 years ago
Hi Rajan Kumar , Welcome to Plantix Community. Yes , it is a fungus . Your paddy is affected with sclerotium stem rot. For control to spray on propiconazole 2ml per liter of water. More information for diagnosis and control measures you can review plantix library at కాండం కుళ్ళు తెగులు . Thanks for your post
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5 years ago
you can try 2Kg Alum/Acre in root zone
5 years ago
Nod blast