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Iron Deficiency

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Iron Deficiency - Pumpkin

Pumpkin Pumpkin


Is it natural or some kind of deficiency or disease

Pumpkin 17 day old vein become white and remaining leaf is green this happens to all plant I sowed


Dr. V Pandey need help


Manejebem | Carol


Hi Ranjeet Yadav ! Can't say anything at this stage. As I can not see puckering or vein yellowing to confirm cicurbit vein clearing virus at this stage. You can do the following 1. Please check the variety and its characters from the seed source. Some varieties of pumpkin especially Zucchini shows such leaf symptoms which is normal For your reference I am uploading a pic also 2. Vein clearing may be due to Iron Deficiency. Please check from the link. 3. Also check for insects at the lower side of leaf. 4. Provide the plant Vermicompost 200 g immediately and keep a close watch for atleast a week. All the best. Thanks for visiting plantix community


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Thank you sir Dr. V Pandey


Great effort Ranjeet Yadav for your upvote


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