Leaf Miner Flies - Pomegranate

Pomegranate Pomegranate


The plant has remained like this for the past few years. Dwarfed growth. Leaves shedding , branches dried.

Dried branches, yellow leaves, dwarfed growth, shedding


Hi Rohan . I think, timely maintenance might not be proper, if I am right. 1st you go for pruning of branches according to your choice. Apply recommended dosage of fertilizers in split dosage along with Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost. Provide optimum water depending upon soil, climatical conditions and age of the plant etc. Control pest and diseases to get good growth of your plant, flowers and fruits. Try well.


Suresh Gollar many thanks for the response. Looking at the picture, do you think it has some disease? Like fungal attacks or something which needs to be rectified first? Thanks in advance


Hi Rohan. Image is not so clear. Though on zooming, I suspect - it might be showing symptoms of Thrips and Leaf Miner Flies . Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Check carefully.


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Hi Suresh Gollar , looks like thrips to me. Will work with remedies suggested and look at the results


Yes, do follow Rohan 👍👍.


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