Iron Deficiency - Pomegranate

Pomegranate Pomegranate


I need healthy fruit's

Growth of the pomegranate is small


Hi Pavan Kumar . I have not understood your query. Let's send some more clear and closer full plant day time pictures with proper query.


Fruit's are very small and falling down


Hi Pavan Kumar . Your Pomegranate is effected by Thrips and Iron Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.


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All the flowers and fruits are falling down Please give me the solution For this problem


Is it


Hi Pavan Kumar . Flower dropping might be due to many factors like It 1. Overwhelming to the plant 2. Don't allow soil to become water logged - this leads to flower dropping 3. Don't do direct watering on plant through sprinkler or through rain gun's - Avoid it 4. And, provide optimum water depends upon soil and climatical conditions 5. Water starvation also leads to flower dropping - Provide optimum watering as said above 6. Poor pollination effect leads to flower dropping - Keep honey bee boxes to have good pollination and produce good number of flowers and fruits 7. Poor nutrition leads flower drop - Provide sufficient quantity of well decomposed FYM or Vermicompost and mix well with soil around plant base 5. Do timely prooning - it will give avoid flower dropping and helps to produce good number of flowers and fruits 6. Give recommend dosage of fertilizers in split dosage depends upon age of the plant, the dosage can be known by your nearest Horticulture department. Apart from this you have to follow all good package of practices, if any pertaining to pomegranate crop of your area, so that, you will get good growth and yield.


Hi Pavan Kumar . As per your sent above image - it looks like Iron Deficiency and effect of Spider Mites . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.


How can I solve this all problems I need only one solution for all the problems


Hi Pavan Kumar . You can click on green as I said above, for checking symptoms and taking control measures.


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