Bacterial Soft Rot of Pepper - Capsicum & Chilli

Capsicum & Chilli Capsicum & Chilli


The chillies are coming like this. What is the disease and is there any remedy for this?

Browning the skin and not looking healthy.


Hi Kalpana. It looks like Anthracnose of Pepper and Bacterial Soft Rot of Pepper . Click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Kalpana Maybe it’s for Anthracnose of Pepper. Please click the green link to see details information and take necessary action.


Kalpana , due to heavy rain followed by mist and variation in humidity and temperature chillis are becoming like fish.. few says it is anthracnose and few say due to Bacteria.. either of this two below are some control measure what I have got and found good result.. 1. Copper oxychloride ( kocide 2000) with kasugamycin. ( As soon as rain stop please spray) 2. Tebuconazol ( folicur) + plantomycin 3. Azatrastrobin+ (Amistar top) with stanes bactrianashak.. Till now I have been able to control this in the erratic weather. Always check for calcium and boron deficiency ... Please correct if required. Happy farming.. PK


Step 2 and 3 also controls powdery mildew to some / greater extent ... Plan spray schedule accordingly..


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