Salutation, hi. I believe it's a soil problem. Hoping for someone to help diagnose & remedial ways. Thank you.
I do container gardening & I'm having this occurrence where my chilli plants from seedlings to mature plants are experiencing leaf disformation & lacking new growth. Also affects basilic & mint amonst others.
3 years ago
Hi Aa C. Pictures is not so clear. Though on zooming, I think it's as Spider Mites or Broad Mite effect. Lets check symptoms by clicking on green links for taking control measures from Plantix library.
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3 years ago
This is TSWV Virus that is spread by thrips. It results in flower abortion and curled, shriveled leaves. Check if your seed has tolerance to TSWV if it does, cut off the plants main stem 4 inches from the ground. New suckers will sprout that are healthy. If it doesn't just uproot the crop and spray the area thoroughly to remove the thrip vector from your farm. I would suggest pesticides with acephate, spinetoram, indoxcarb, emmamectin, thiametoxam or lambdacyhalothrin as the active ingredients for better results.