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Capsicum & Chilli

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Sunburn - Capsicum & Chilli

Capsicum & Chilli Capsicum & Chilli


Nursery plant: leaves turning white and falling out.

This is picture of 25days old chilli sapling , Here leaf is turning white and falling out. We have been using fertilizer to control pest and watering is done regularly and they r covered with covers in night and exposed to sunlight during day time. I am worried if this infectious, as they occurred as a clusters. Here and there.


Hi Venugopal. It looks like Sunburn . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Hi Suresh, Thanks a lot. Here the leaves are only turning white and falling..they didnt have brownish color at ends as seen from ur picture shared link. Can you please reconfirm. If this due to sunburn ?


Hi Venugopal i think there are viral infections


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