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Leaves flooding problem
My peppers have this yellow pattern and the new leaves are small, is it suffering from mosaic virus?
I planted chill seeds. After 18 days my plants are bending from soil level. Plants are attacked but don't know what attacked. Required help... Thanks in advance.
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Usama Khalid Damage on leaves are due to Flea Beetles. Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
4 years ago
Hi Usama Khalid as per your images it seems due to the attack of chewing insects. Please click the below link to know all information about this pest. Flea Beetles Have you seen any insect there?
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4 years ago
Hi Usama Khalid Damage on leaves are due to ফ্লী বিটল . Please clik this link for more details and preventive measures.What to do if insect attack occurs 1. If the seedlings are infected, the adult insects should be caught by hand and killed by hand 2. Ash can be sprayed on trees; 3. Alternative nutrients around the field i.e. pumpkin vegetables should be destroyed; 4. Digging up the soil at the base of the tree to expose the worms and burying the branches to make room for the birds; 5. If the seedlings are covered with mosquito nets for 20-25 days after emergence, the tree survives the attack of this insect; . One kg of mahogany seeds should be chopped and soaked in 5 liters of water for 4-5 days. Then sift 20 gms of soap powder and 5 gms of sohaga and boil for 20 minutes. When it cools down, mix 5 times with water and spray; Or- Cypermethrin Insecticide Coat should be mixed in 1 ml per liter of water and sprayed 2/3 times every 5 centuries for 10-12 days. Warning: Do not eat or sell those vegetables within 15 days after spraying. Things to do next season: The field must be kept clean at all times.