What kind of the diseases in my crop pls suggest me some organic way to solve it.Thanks
Leaves become folding upward side and growth of the plant will stuck..
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixLeaves become folding upward side and growth of the plant will stuck..
In telugu it's called bachalakura. It is effected by some desiss and bugs
Falling leaves with no blooming and plant becomes ageing in short period.
Earlier plant was flowering , but now too less flowers are coming to plant. Please help
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Patel Nimesh this is Chilli Leaf Curl Virus and there is no control after infection. So control Whiteflies and Chilli Thrips right from transplanting.
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4 years ago
Dear Patel Nimesh It is affected by thrips. Spray Dimethoate 1.7 ml in one litre of water. It seems it has been affected by virus. There is no known remedy for virus. The leaves when held against sunshine shows mottling ( some parts green and other parts yellowish ) is the indication of viral infection . Also the Virus affected leaves become small and bunch together called rosette .Virus is transmitted by vector insects like aphids jassids thrips etc. Prune the virus affected portion of the plant and dispose off by burning. Good luck.
4 years ago
Shankara Goud M Is their any chemical free solution then pls suggest me
4 years ago
Dear Patel Nimesh I am not aware of any chemical free solution to control thrips. But neem oil to certain extent may help you.