Why are chilli flowers falling and not turning into chilli fruit?
My chilli plant in balcony gets lots of chili flowers but the flowers simply fall from the plant despite the flowers appearing very healthy and do not turn to chill fruit. I'm noticing this from past two months. What could be wrong? Just want to share that my chilli plants are over two years old and have grown big in pots in balcony. Is it possible that chilli plants don't give chill fruit after they become two or more years old? Should I just uproot them and plant new chilli plants?
5 years ago
Spider Mites Click on green link that will take you to Plantix library where everyone can find details of problem along with control measures ☺☺
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5 years ago
Sectin and jump spray
5 years ago
It is thrips and mites infestation which suck the sap from flowers and due to which flowers drop before setting fruit setting, spray any biological or chemical insecticide for sucking pest
5 years ago
Thanks everyone for response, I really appreciate and thanks Shri Sharad Namdeorao Gulhane for explaining the actual cause for falling of flowers 🙂👍👍
5 years ago
Try planofix.