This question is about:

Stem Rot

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Capsicum & Chilli

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Stem Rot - Capsicum & Chilli

Capsicum & Chilli Capsicum & Chilli


Problem with chilli plantation

Chilli.... after sowing, the plant grows upto its full and looks attractive and health. But at the time of plantation, its shape looks slumy as can be seen on the uploaded photo. Rotten stems make the plant to die its roots 😥(root_rot)?? I need your diagnosis and cure for the betterment of the plant. thank you ♥️


Ess Aar Quite similar to stem blight. Carryout drenching with Xelora or Roko for effective control


Hi Ess Aar . It might be Sclerotinia Stem Rot . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.


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