What can I do vth present situation of my crop
Hello sir..... This is the present situation of my crop I have watered .5 acre 12 days before after that more than 100 plants died remaining plants getting withered and dying... So help to get out of this....
5 years ago
Hi Polaki Vamsi . It looks like Chilli Thrips . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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5 years ago
Hello sir my crop is green chilly.. plants are withered and some plants died everyone is saying that during watering i had watered more than required.... So help me and advice me a spray or fertilizer so that withering plants may live .... And I need ur number so that I can explain my problem clearly
5 years ago
Hi Polaki Vamsi . If it's so, don't do overwatering, waterlogging and direct watering on plant which leads to change in phynotipical charecorstic of plant too. Avoid it and provide optimum water depends upon soil and climatical conditions. Also check Chilli Thrips , by clicking on green link for knowing symptoms and taking control measures as said above.
5 years ago
Sir will u suggest me wt should I do now ... Suggest me a fertilizer or spray to avoid withering and get new yield
5 years ago
Hi Polaki Vamsi . I already subjected you above. Click on green link.