Chilli Thrips - Capsicum & Chilli

Capsicum & Chilli Capsicum & Chilli


Leafs are becoming yellowish and flowers are getting damaged and fallimg down

Leafs are becoming yellowish and flowers are getting damaged and fallimg down.Need exeprt advice


Looks likeChilli Thrips click on blue link to get more information and management. Thanks


Yes I agree with Mahadevaiah ji's diagnosis. To retard flower dropping fertigate with Phosphorus base fertilizers like 12:61:00 and spray Boron. Thanks


Hello Manish gouda. Welcome to Plantix community. It seems your "Chilli Plant" is showing cup shaped foldes with upward curving. I think it might be due to Magnesium Deficiency and Chilli Thrips effect For more details and control measures, contact Plantrix library by clicking on blue hyper link given above. Thank you, visit again.


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