Thrips - Capsicum & Chilli

Capsicum & Chilli Capsicum & Chilli


Hey,I am planting chili crops from two years.and in last year I phased with this kind of problem.and I don't know how to control that.So,I kindly request you to give me a consultancy. Thank you

Bugs,thirps,mite,root delvlopment


Jignesh ji your plot is affected with Leaf Curl Virus. Controlling vectors like Silverleaf Whitefly and Thrips is the only available precautionary measure. Carryout following measures right from transplanting 1. Install Yellow and Blue sticky traps. 2. Use Neem cake in Basal dose. 3. Regularly spray Neem oil, Karanj oil, Garlic extract and Bougainvillea leaf extract. Even now Azadirechtin upto 80,000 PPM is available in market. 4. In severe cases you should opt for chemical control by spraying Spinosad or Spinetorum. Thanks


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closer view pictures of the problem is required to advise


हैलो सर मिर्च मे सफेद मक्खी पतियो से रस चुसती है जिसके कारण पतियो मे मरोङिया रोग हो जाता है सफेद मक्खी तथा सभी रस चूसने वाले कीटो के लिए मेलाथियान दवा का छिड़काव करे धन्यवाद


you can spray abamectin, imidaclorphid with humic acid


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