All my pepper plant leaves are getting ingested by this. Can someone help to identify and cure this disease.
The leaves are developing this strange white fungus kind of substance. This is happening for bell pepper, chilli plants.
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixThe leaves are developing this strange white fungus kind of substance. This is happening for bell pepper, chilli plants.
What's the problem , precautions and how to control it
White spots on leaves
Worm is shown in the picture which is inside the chilly. Most of the ripe chillys are attacked by the worm.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
how control its
5 years ago
It is powdery mildew, causal fungal agent is Leveillula taurica.Y ou can spray Pyraclostrobin or Azoxistrobin with sticker. Spray COC after 10days.The application must cover the underside of leaves. Keep your field weed free & burn all the debris.
5 years ago
looks like scale
5 years ago
bonjour,la photos est un peu floue, je pense sont des cochenilles (svp ajoutez d'autres photos claires de près pour vérifier ) .Merci
5 years ago
bonjour,la photos est un peu floue, je pense sont des cochenilles (svp ajoutez d'autres photos claires de près pour vérifier ) .Merci
5 years ago
i have been spraying neem water on the plants. i do not want to use chemicals as this is part of kitchen gardening for my personal consumption. can you suggest some organic way to get rid of them. thanks a lot for your answer.
5 years ago
Those chemicals are of very short PHI. Whatever, also Sulphur & Copper are considered organic. 11TBSP Becking Soda,0.5TSP soft liquid soap in 4.5L wa ter. 240%milk&60%water with Neem oil4ml/L. 3Potassium Bicarbonate(food grade) 4 Garlic extract etc. There are so many ways but first make sure about the availability of sunlight.If the canopy is too dense you can even prune.Remove the debris & adopt organic mulching. Thanks for upvoting.
5 years ago
Hi Shikha I agree with Mahadevaiah it could be Black Scale . It is not powdery mildew because the problem is on the bottom of the leaves. Click on the blue link for more information for diagnosis and control measures in the plantix libary.
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5 years ago
Hi welcome to plantix community,it seems your plant is attacked by scale
5 years ago