What happening to my chilli plants
Some said it caused by pests.... i found nothing on plants.... i use manure as fertilizer... if something caused by it letme know... I'm new to farming please guide me....
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Learn more about PlantixSome said it caused by pests.... i found nothing on plants.... i use manure as fertilizer... if something caused by it letme know... I'm new to farming please guide me....
I live in southern California over this winter a lot of my chili plants (a bell pepper in the picture) started to develop a brownish area on branches and stalks the plant begins to die above this area as if nutrients cannot get through. I cut them back in Decemberish as they started to lost most of their foilage anyway. It never got that cold but i lost habaneros, ghost peppers, a bell pepper, etc to the same disease.
Yellowing and shrinking of capsicum with no increase in size.other fruits on same plant are okay.
Where dose it applying the spray....?
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
spary lesanta corogen and cantof plus
5 years ago
Some sucking pests are the cause.It might be mites or thrips white fly,aphids,jassid etc.There are so many acaricides for mite control.And for other pests there are organophosphates,nicotinyle,organoclorin etc.Whenever you see this type of symptom take necessary action as early as possible.Try two applications of pesticide so that reinfestation may not occur.Some of these insects act as vector of some viral diseases those are not curable.Spray neem oil or garlic extract alternatively&frequently.
5 years ago
Tarsonomid mite
5 years ago
it might beSpider Mites damage. kindly refer plantix library for more details and description of the problem and management.
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5 years ago
leaf miner