Disease identification
what is the cause of yellowing of the leaves?
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Learn more about Plantixwhat is the cause of yellowing of the leaves?
Changing the colour of whole plant and growth was retarded.
Leaves are turning yellow in some areas
Leaves wilt and start rotting without dropping
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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6 years ago
Hi Susan, Thank you for your efforts to visiting to Plantix Community and greetings to Nepal! Seems like that your plants might be suffering from Sulfur Deficiency and infested with Thrips attack. Plantix Library is a great hub where everyone can find details on these things and ways on how to correct it. Thank you for your interests in Plantix Community!
6 years ago
Hi Susan Welcome to Plantix Community. It might be due to Thrips attack. Carryout spray of Lambda Cylohythtin or Fipronil or Spinosad for effective control. Thanks
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6 years ago
yellowing and Pickering of leaves mean yellow mosaic virus
6 years ago
there is nutrient deficiency associated with insect infestation so apply vermi compost or micronutrient mixture & put yellow sticky trap it will revover your plant
6 years ago
je pense que un apport de potassium pour ka turgessen e des cellule et un apport de mg pour ameliorer l'effecacité de photosynthése vont ameliorer becoucoup l'aspet general de la plante
6 years ago
In addition to all the suggestion please don't intercrop capsicum with tomato.It will increase insect and disease occurance.Whatever you have done now plant some garlic or onion to deter the insects.T here are too much weeds.
6 years ago
Thanks Mr Pawar for upvoting.
4 years ago
It looks like Tomato yellow vein mosaic virus...Check presence of trips and white flies...Presence of sulphur and iron deficiency..