Could anyone help me in identifying the disease of this pears plant and provide solution? And in one image there is fly on the stem, is it threat to any plant or crop ?
Slowly whole leaf gets dry and black, the main stem also gets lessen from the top.
4 years ago
Ranbir Singh Sandhu May be there was Leafhoppers and Jassids attack, now you need not use any chemicals. For shredding of bark, you may use copper oxychloride wettable powder. Hope that it helps 😊
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4 years ago
Hi Ranbir Singh Sandhu Agreed with diagnosis by Sali sir Looks likeLeafhoppers and Jassids attack. Follow the instructions as already said by Sali sir Let me add one more thing , the insect in last image is Physiphora. It's larvae feed on decaying plant and animal material ; adults feed on flowers. Thanks for using plantix community 🙂🙂