Can anyone explain what causes these spots on a papaya tree??
I saw my Papaya tree covered in these spots as well as the other surrounding plants. I believe it's sick but i don't understand why it receives both sun and water and the other trees in the neighborhood aren't looking this way. It was fine and recently one by one they popped up. It doesn't seem to be affecting it's growth however.
3 years ago
Caribbean Girly Pesticide Burn Click on above green link so that we can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library. ☺️☺️🌱🌱
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3 years ago
Thank you so much..
3 years ago
It could be a fungus called Asperisporium caricae. It's intense on the lower leaves and wet humid weather. A foliar fungicide can be applied (dithiocarbamate).